This 2-and-a-half-year-old boy has a cheerful and positive disposition. Though he is slightly behind in growth and development he has made gradual improvements. A letter from January 2018 explains how he can be found cruising along the side of furniture and scribbling with crayons. It also describes how he smiles and laughs when he hears familiar children’s songs and clearly says mom and dad. In videos from June, you can see him light up with a bright smile as his caregiver plays with puppets and he explores the buttons on a push car that make loud noise.
We cannot post identifiable photos online. Additional photos, video and information are available for eligible families who inquire.
General Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must be heterosexual couples married at least three years. All applicants should be free of serious physical or mental illness, and criminal history. There are various age requirements for adopting a child from SO’s country, so please inquire to learn more.
Learn More
We cannot share medical information on the public area of our site, but more information and photos are available. Please contact [email protected] and reference 118-08 at any time to learn more about SO. Eligible families may qualify for a grant through CH/LSS and Brittany’s Hope Foundation in addition to the $5,000 Child-Specific Grant (exp. 5/31/2019) available to his adoptive family.
Financing Adoption
There are a number of resources available to families who would like to adopt but are concerned about financing. If you would like to learn more, we welcome you to inquire about the Adoption Support Fund and view our infographic of fundraising ideas.