A video series about foster care adoption
During National Adoption Month, we sat down with our Child-Specific Recruiters (CSRs) to learn more about the children and youth in foster care who are waiting for permanent loving homes. They answered questions about what they do, the children with whom they work, what they expect of families adopting from foster care, and so much more.
To start the series, we asked them to answer “What is a Child-Specific Recruiter?” In short, our CSRs work with foster youth that are labeled ‘harder to place’ because of their age, because they are part of larger sibling groups, or because of sensitive background histories and behaviors. But their jobs encompass so much more. We invite you to take a moment to watch this video, learn more about foster care adoption, and get to know the women who are dedicated to finding families for youth in foster care. Please also come back next week to learn what traits our CSRs hope to see in families adopting from foster care.