A video series about foster care adoption
During National Adoption Month, we sat down with our Child-Specific Recruiters (CSRs) to learn more about the children and youth in foster care who are waiting for permanent loving homes. They answered questions about what they do, the children with whom they work, what they expect of families adopting from foster care, and so much more. If you missed it, we encourage you to watch the other videos in this series: “What is a Child-Specific Recruiter?” and “What Do You Expect of Foster Care Adoption Parents?”
In the third video of the series, we asked our CSRs to explain what they’ve learned while working with foster care youth. They talk about the challenges and highlights of their work as well as what they’ve learned from the children and teens who wait. As Amy explained, “Some of these kids are still so hopeful that they’ll find an adoptive family that’s the right fit for them. Seeing that resiliency in kids is so powerful.”