Izaya is a 15 year old waiting in foster care for a loving, adoptive family.
He’s a charmer who is quick to share a complement when he notices something positive about people he’s with. This makes him really easy to talk to.
Izaya loves to shop and is really interested in fashion. He’s got a casual style with a bit of flare and would love to go shopping at a Foot Locker for some new shoes.
There are many things Izaya will do for fun in his free time. He really enjoys working out and lifting weights. He also loves to hang out with his friends, listening to rap music or playing basketball. When he’s with his Child-Specific Recruiter, Kayla, he loves to go out to eat. His favorite food is steak stir fry.
Izaya uses his creative mind to draw nature landscapes—he’s really good at it. He also dreams of traveling, possibly to New York City.
Izaya wants a family who is loyal, trusting, good at communicating and enjoys bonding.
Izaya really wants to be adopted. He has lived a pretty sheltered life so his adoptive family will have the opportunity to experience a lot of firsts with him. His adoptive family should be relatively active—he likes to have a busier schedule so he doesn’t get bored. Izaya would do best as the youngest or only child in a family. We would consider families who live outside of Minnesota, but his family should be committed to maintaining his relationship with his grandmother.
Details to Note
The majority of costs to Minnesota clients adopting a child under Minnesota state guardianship are covered by a contract with the Minnesota Department of Human Services. If you live outside of Minnesota, please contact us about applicable fees.
Learn More About Izaya
If you would like to know more about Izaya, please contact Kayla Hendrickson at [email protected] or 651-255-2249. Families may have to provide certain documentation to receive full information.
During December we are advocating for 12 children who currently wait for families. We appreciate any time you take to get to know these children and consider whether your family, or a family you know, could be theirs.
Meet the 12 Waiting Children of December