This little girl, born in 2007, is brimming with life and always ready to enjoy each moment to the fullest. Livy hopes to put her memorable personality and talents to work as a teacher some day.
Livy, with her radiant smile, attends a Montessori-like school where she is doing well. When she comes home from school, she enjoys playing with the other girls in the orphanage: piling on the trampoline or having a water balloon fight. Livy is often the leader who creates the games and teaches the younger girls the rules.
This spunky little girl is known as being outspoken and for stating what she thinks. She has many loves: her favorite movie is Princess Bride, her favorite animal is the peacock, and her favorite thing to do is have a water balloon fight. Livy also LOVES to laugh—her giggle is contagious.
Livy has a blood disorder that his managed well by medication and has some slight institutionalized delays which are improving.
We cannot share clear photos of Livy on our public website but photos and additional information are available to eligible families who inquire.
General Eligibility Requirements
All applicants must be between the ages of 25-55; financially capable, physically, mentally and emotionally stable and without any life-threatening conditions. Heterosexual couples married at least two years and single women may be eligible. Families cannot have more than three children already in the home.
Learn More About Livy
If you would like to know more about Livy please contact [email protected] and reference H15-15. Eligible families may qualify for a grant through CH/LSS and Brittany’s Hope Foundation.
Financing Adoption
There are a number of resources available to families who would like to adopt but are concerned about financing. If you would like to learn more, we welcome you to inquire about the Adoption Support Fund and view our infographic of fundraising ideas.