ZA is an 8-year-old boy with a zest for life and an engaging personality. “Just thinking about ZA makes me smile and a family would be very lucky to have him as part of their family,” says Cheryl, the volunteer who met “ZA” during our Connect for Kids program this October (pictured with him to the right).
During Connect for Kids, ZA enjoyed all of the activities and was eager to explore new things. “The thing he enjoyed the most was bubbles! He loved blowing them and jumping in ones that others had blown,” recounts Cheryl. But he didn’t keep this fun to himself: “He made sure to save some in his bottle so he could bring it back to his room and share them with his good friend who was not part of our group” says Cheryl.
ZA’s care for others can be seen again and again. “He is quick to warm up to new people and once that happens, his new friends are under his spell! ZA is very friendly to all, both those he knows within the orphanage and to all he met when we were on outings,” shares Cheryl. “He was always starting up a conversation, learning more and telling others about himself. No one is exempt from his charms—from the bus driver, to the ticket taker, to the restaurant owner, to the boat driver! He asked all about what they did and how and then often shared something about himself. He left everyone smiling.”
ZA has an identified need but it does not slow him down. “He runs, jumps, is active on the playground and does all that you would expect from an eight year old boy!” Cheryl explains.
General Eligibility Requirements
All applicants must be at least 30 years old. For heterosexual married couples, there can be no more than 50 years’ difference between the youngest parent and the child. Single women are eligible and cannot have more than 45 years’ difference between themselves and the child. Applicants cannot have serious physical or mental health concerns. Eligibility requirements vary so please inquire to discuss individual circumstances and eligibility.
Learn More About ZA
The volunteer who met ZA just hosted a webinar to talk about him and the other children in Connect for Kids. You can watch the recording of the webinar now. You can also contact [email protected] and reference 215-10SF at any time to learn more about him.
Watch the recorded webinar to hear from volunteers who met ZAZA’s adoptive family is eligible for a $10,000 child-specific grant (valid through 4/1/2017). Eligible families may qualify for a grant through LSS/CH and Brittany’s Hope Foundation.
During December we are advocating for twelve children and sibling groups who currently wait for families. We appreciate any time you take to get to know these children and consider whether your family, or a family you know, could be theirs.
Meet the 12 Waiting Children of DecemberFinancing Adoption
There are a number of resources available to families who would like to adopt but are concerned about financing. If you would like to learn more, we welcome you to inquire about the Adoption Support Fund and view our infographic of fundraising ideas.