Laura Huntting dedicated her time and care to everything she did.
Whether it was hang drying the laundry outdoors because it smells so much better, or masterfully writing letters to friends to stay in touch, she was happy to take extra steps to create the best possible experience for those around her.
She extended this commitment of time to her philanthropy as well. For forty years, Laura served on the Children’s Home Society of Minnesota Board. Throughout her decades of service, she hosted events, spoke on behalf of children and families served through Children’s Home, and engaged others in this work. Having empowered many others to enthusiastic participation and enrolled her family in her passion for serving children and families, she was an exemplary board member and community advocate.
When Laura’s term on the board completed in 1989, she was named an Honorary Board Member in recognition of her years of service. Laura’s ardent dedication to children and families not only positively impacted those served by Children’s Home, but also encouraged many in her life to mirror her philanthropy.
In 1992, Laura passed away. Her generous spirit, however, lives on through her son, James (Jim). After Laura’s death, Jim Huntting and his wife Joanne continued Laura’s legacy. “It’s important to me. Children’s Home meant a lot to my mother, so by association, it does to me,” shares Jim.
Along with donating to Children’s Home over the decades, they also chose to support children in need with their time. After their children graduated from high school, Jim and Joanne opened their home to become foster parents for two girls.
“We didn’t go into it to make any miracles,” shares Jim on his experience fostering. “They needed help and a home and we provided it for a few months up to a couple of years.”
As a humble man, Jim is hesitant to overemphasize his impact as a foster parent or donor. Yet, it would be difficult to overstate the importance of the family legacy of the Huntting family. Through Laura’s service and leadership, as well as through the philanthropic generosity of the entire family, untold children have found permanent, loving families, and uncountable lives have been changed.
It is with tremendous gratitude that Children’s Home recognizes the Huntting family, and Jim Huntting, for their astonishing contributions to the lives of children and families.