HN is an adorable toddler in Asia who will turn 3 in February. A good eater, HN will drink milk from a bottle twice a day, eat rice, cooked vegetables, meats, apple slices and bananas—though she prefers to skip using a spoon. She does not yet say words clearly, but she comprehends what is said to her and attends speech therapy twice a week. Her foster family shares that she is generally happy and has taken to a handkerchief as a comfort object. As long as she has one, she will fall asleep quite easily.
HN enjoys being with other children. She can find hidden objects, build a tower of blocks, turn the pages of a book, plays with a ball, and imitates adults.
Applicants must be heterosexual couples married at least three years. All applicants should be free of serious physical or mental illness, and criminal history. There are various age requirements for adopting a child from HN’s country, so please inquire to learn more.
We cannot share clear photos or medical information about HN on the public side of the website. There are photos and videos to share with eligible families who inquire.
If you would like to learn more about HN, please contact [email protected] and reference 118-09. Her adoptive family will be eligible for a $5,000 Child-Specific Grant (exp. 1/31/2020). Families may also qualify for additional grants through CH/LSS and Brittany’s Hope Foundation.
There are a number of resources available to families who would like to adopt but are concerned about financing. If you would like to learn more, we welcome you to inquire about the Adoption Support Fund and view our infographic of fundraising ideas.
During December we are advocating for 12 children who currently wait for families. We appreciate any time you take to get to know these children and consider whether your family, or a family you know, could be theirs.
Meet 12 Children Who Wait This December