May is National Foster Care Month across the U.S. According to the Children’s Bureau “it’s a time to recognize that we each can play a part in enhancing the lives of children and youth in foster care.” The primary purpose of foster care, also known as out-of-home care, is to provide a safe and stable environment for a child who cannot be with his or her parents. There is an urgent need for families to be licensed to care for Minnesota’s children.
We strongly believe that whenever possible children who are removed from parental care should remain in the care of relatives. If that is not possible, the remaining options are emergency shelter care, family foster homes, or group residential settings. We are able to license Minnesota families to provide various types of foster care. We also have staff dedicated to helping relatives and kin navigate their unique circumstances and become licensed caregivers.
In Minnesota, you may obtain a foster care license through your county of residence, or an agency such as CH/LSS. Some counties have robust foster care and/or adoption programs, while others may not. Children in Minnesota foster care may be eligible for Northstar Care for Children. Across the state, there is a need for families open to fostering teens and sibling groups.
Start your foster care journey through CH/LSS by attending a Foster Care & Adoption Orientation followed by the required Foster Care & Adoption Education Classes.
Statistics from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, April 2020.
Learn About Becoming a Foster Parent