As a preface, my son and I spoke and prayed over my sharing of this story. It is precious and beautiful and sensitive – meant to be kept in this
On That First Night (A thousand times yes)
I realize that I might often sound romantic. Not kissy-romcom romantic. Rather, that my words are idyllic, flowery, sentimental or suggesting an idealized view of reality. Adding color to the mundane with beautiful words and
This Time Last Year: Starting a Concurrent Foster Care Plan
I remember you, March-almost-April. I remember this time last year. Our home, with walls of windows, reminds me that spring is coming. The sun is positioning itself so that it
Foster Care Adoption Advice: Grieve Now. Grieve Daily.
With the help of tag-team babysitters, Josh and I have been able to attend two foster care trainings over the past two weeks. We sat around a square of tables
31 Things I’ve Learned About Foster Care
To conclude the #write31days series, I wanted to reflect on thirty-one things I’ve learned while doing foster care for the first time. We’ve had these three brothers in our home