Meet Larry, a light-hearted, witty, and smart eleven-year-old with a great sense of humor. Katie, his Child Specific Recruiter says, “Larry is super funny, and it’s so fun to see that come out the more you get to know him. He genuinely has a great sense of humor and is known for being a bit of a prankster and goofball.”
As a sixth-grader, Larry loves to hang out with his friends and play basketball and football. At school, his favorite subjects are science, math, and any type of STEM activity. He has a natural curiosity about the world around him and is especially fascinated by skyscrapers. In fact, he can name all of the world’s largest skyscrapers and tell you where they are located and interesting facts about them. “Since most of the world’s tallest skyscrapers are in Dubai, Larry has told me it’s on his bucket list to go and see them someday,” says Katie. Larry loves to talk about places he wants to travel, his brothers, and new things that are going on in the world and in his life.
When thinking about Larry’s future family, Katie says, “He needs a family who can encourage his interests, give him lots of love and attention, and appreciate his humor and wit.” He would do best in a two-parent family, with no other children, where he can get plenty of one-on-one adult attention. He has also expressed that he would like to be part of a family that enjoys traveling and going on vacations together.
Due to some behavioral challenges, it is very important that Larry is part of a family who will support him and guide him through life’s ups and downs with empathy and compassion. Helping him navigate these challenges and find the right resources to support his mental and emotional wellbeing will be very important.
With the right family, full of love and empathy, Larry’s future is bright. “He really is a great kid,” says Katie, “and he is super easy to get along with. He truly does well in a stable environment and thrives when getting the love and attention he deserves.”
Details to Note
Due to contracts with the Minnesota Department of Human Services, the cost of adopting a child from Minnesota foster care is virtually free to families.
Learn More About Larry
If you would like to know more about Larry, please contact Katie Haugen at [email protected] or 651-255-2441. Families may have to provide certain documentation to receive full information.