The Korean Adoptee Ministry (KAM) Center was founded in the Twin Cities in 2000 to support Korean adoptees in developing their cultural and ethnic identities; and to provide support including spiritual healing when facing complicated adoption-related issues and crisis such as suicide. Adoption is a life-long process that continues beyond infancy, childhood, and adolescence and KAM Center knows first-hand that the ripples of adoption continue to affect Korean adoptees throughout their lives.
KAM created a survey on Adult Korean Adoptee well-being and mental health to assess the current needs of adult Korean adoptees in Minnesota. Funded by the Minnesota Department of Health’s Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative (EHDI) program, this assessment is the first phase of a grant aimed at reducing unintentional injuries and suicide in the Korean adoptee community. Your feedback is important and will help to create programs and services that support the well-being and mental health needs of all Korean adoptees in Minnesota.
We invite ALL adult Korean adoptees 18+ to take the survey and share your experience.
Take the KAM Center Survey
*The survey is anonymous and will take about 10-15 minutes. In exchange for your time, we are offering a chance to win 1 of 3 $25 Amazon gift cards. Winners will be randomly selected from all respondents who provide their names and contact information at the end of the survey.