A Unique Program for Families Open to Siblings and Children With Needs
The Ecuador Program
Ecuador is a Hague country. In Children’s Home’s Ecuador program, we advocate for children with moderate to lifelong needs and sibling groups of 2-5 children. For information on adopting relatives or identified children, please contact us.
Children in Ecuador
Children from Ecuador are eligible for international adoption when they receive “Sentencia de Adoptabilidad.” Generally, children are 2-15 years at the time of match. The greatest need is for families open to school-age children, sibling groups, and children with identified needs that may include histories of trauma involving abuse and neglect. Children under 6 tend to have moderate to significant needs or are part of a sibling group where at least one child is school-age.
The Care in Ecuador
Children in Ecuador are cared for in government and private orphanages. Children receive medical care, nutrition, and education. The quality of care can vary widely. As numerous studies have demonstrated, institutional care is not conducive to optimal development, therefore children may experience orphanage-related delays.
Eligibility Requirements
Like all international adoption programs, Ecuador has its own specific eligibility requirements for adoptive parents. Applicants should be between the ages of 25 and 51 at the time they are matched to a child(ren). There needs to be at least 14 years between the age of the younger parent and the child and no more than 45 years between the age of the older parent and the child being adopted. Applicants cannot have serious physical or mental health concerns or criminal history. Heterosexual couples should be married for a minimum of three years at the time of home study approval. Single women may adopt. Applicants must be able to travel to Ecuador.
Flexibility regarding eligibility may be available for families adopting relatives or identified children.
The Process
The first step is to apply and begin the home study process. A previous or current home study is needed to review a waiting child’s profile and to initially match with the child. If you live in Minnesota, Children’s Home can complete your home study. If you live elsewhere, you need to find an agency licensed in your state to complete your home study and we will serve as the primary provider/placing agency.
We will guide you through the USCIS process and assist you in compiling a dossier. After a Letter of Intent is submitted to Ecuador and you are officially matched to a child in Ecuador. Applicants must travel to Ecuador for a minimum of 8-10 weeks; at least one parent must remain in the country the entire trip. Post-placement reporting is required at 4, 8, 12, 18, and 24 months after the adoption is completed in Ecuador.
Ecuador Adoption Cost Estimate